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 Sports you watch

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Join date : 2011-01-16

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PostSubject: Sports you watch   Sports you watch Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:43 pm

What other sports do you lik to watch?
I like gymnastics, artistic, rhythmic
Ski jumping
sometimes track & field sports
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Age : 36
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PostSubject: Re: Sports you watch   Sports you watch Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:49 am

Ok, so I'm a HUGE fan of English soccer teams. Especially Chelsea and Liverpool. So whenever I can watch a game, I'm on it lol!

Otherwise, I really like Tennis. I support Kim Clijsters as she's Belgian. I like gymnastics, I did rythmic ruban when I was a kid. And it might not be a sport, by I love classical dance (especially ballet).

I love snowboard, bobsleigh, ski jumping and ice hockey. But I don't like cyclism, F1 (sorry girls) and motor sports.
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Location : Rome, Italy

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PostSubject: Re: Sports you watch   Sports you watch Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:13 pm

I already mentioned something about it on my introduction, but I also enjoy

MotoGP (Valentino Rossi is totally my fave)
Formula One (Sebastian Vettel!! + historically, Damon Hill, Mika Hakkinen, Nigel Mansell)
Ski Jumping (faves - Adam Malysz, Janne Ahonen + historically Toni Nieminen, Sven Hannawald)
Alpine Skiing (faves - Carlo Janka, Giuliano Razzoli, + historically Kjetil Andre Aamodt, Lasse Kjus)

The sports I used to enjoy
Artistic gymnastics: I loved Lilia Podkopayeva, Svetlana Khorkina and Alexei Nemov (hey, another Alexei!). But in the recent years I haven't seen anyone who particularly inspire me, thus my interest dwindled.

Football: I used to be a Liverpool supporter, mainly because of Michael Owen. But he has moved on to other teams, he started to play for Real Madrid where he played alongside my detested David Beckham. What the hell was I supposed to do??? Things like this are bound to happen when you are following an individual player instead of a "team". And I would be looked on like some sort of traitor if I change my allegiance to some other team for such reasons, it became too complicated I totally give up on following team sports. I still support the Team Italy on World Cup (what a bitter disappointment last year Embarassed )

Basketball (NBA): pretty much the same story with football... though Michael Jordan still remains a legend in my mind, when I see his old video that still send tingling down my spine!
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Join date : 2011-01-16
Age : 36
Location : Brussels

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PostSubject: Re: Sports you watch   Sports you watch Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:52 pm

I really liked Owen too! But the Real is not my cup of tea so I stopped watching him Embarassed

Basketball... I have a bad memory with basketball. My childhood best friend is playing in a famous basketball team here in Belgium, I'm glad for him but we grew up appart and we found each other back again, we weren't the same kids and started to dislike each other. So today there's a "love me, hate me" relationship between us, more from my side than his actually, because I've become a stranger towards him so... yeah... basketball No
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PostSubject: Re: Sports you watch   Sports you watch Icon_minitime1

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