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 Stop Bull Fighting

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Join date : 2011-01-17
Location : Rome, Italy

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PostSubject: Stop Bull Fighting   Stop Bull Fighting Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:18 pm

While I did enjoy my stay in the southern Spain for 3 years, this abominable practice or so called tradition keeps me from truly liking this country. How can anyone entertain themselves watching the poor defenceless bull getting tortured to death? How barbaric is this? I condemn any sort of animal abuse and this is one of the most blatant examples.
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PostSubject: Re: Stop Bull Fighting   Stop Bull Fighting Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:10 pm

Oh yeah, corrida. I hate it too. I mean, this could be a good spectacle if it was just "man against a bull" but without torturing or killing him. Why do they have to do that? Why can't they just wave their mantle and make the bull run for a while and that's it?

Unfortunately, I think corrida is very important for Spanish people. It's more than a tradition, like if it's in their DNA... Sad I don't think they will forbid it for good. But there are some parts of Spain which forbid it by now.
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Location : Rome, Italy

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PostSubject: Re: Stop Bull Fighting   Stop Bull Fighting Icon_minitime1Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:53 pm

Yes, it is going to be very difficult to end it... adhering to your culture and tradition is of course good, but that culture/tradition means barbarism and cruelty you are much better off without it.
Actually many young people in Spain are now opposed to corrida, and the trend is growing all over Spain, so there may be a hope. Indeed they finally banned it recently in Catalunya (the region where Barcelona is). So here is hoping that it will spread into other parts of the country!
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PostSubject: Re: Stop Bull Fighting   Stop Bull Fighting Icon_minitime1

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