Be Fabulous, Be Happy
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 A forum needs rules.

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Posts : 191
Join date : 2011-01-16
Age : 36
Location : Brussels

A forum needs rules.  Empty
PostSubject: A forum needs rules.    A forum needs rules.  Icon_minitime1Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:23 pm

Arrow On this cloud, we respect each other.

Although we are very friendly people, we might disagree on a few things. That's life, it happens. As we are on a discussion forum, you have the right to expose your thoughts and share your opinions. You are invited to. BUT it always should be done with respect. Discussions can be vivid but NOT disrespectful. I do not want to see mean words, bashful comments, ... must they be addressed from members to members or from members commenting on people.

Arrow A presentation is required.

We like to know whom we are talking to. Although we don't need to know every detail of your life, the presentations may mention: Your first name (or nickname in usual life), the country you are living in, your age, your hobbies,... Be creative!

Arrow Our Cloud is not a market.

Members do not have the permission to enroll other members for their own forum. If you desire to advertise for your forum/blog/site,.... a topic will be open in a new category. Your advertisements will only be accepted there. No adds will be sent by PM to members. We do not buy friends, we make friends.

Arrow Language.

Please, be aware that English might not be the first language of some members (including me, as a matter of fact) so I would like to remind you that your keyboard has many letters which can (and need) to be used. No "texting" language shall be accepted. Abbreviations can be made once in a while but don't overuse them. We are not at school but please respect the grammar and spelling, as a discussion forum gathers many people from different countries whom will be happy to learn from your language.

Arrow Pictures.

Pictures may of course be posted on the forum. Their maximum size should be of 640*480 pixels (forum size). Beyond this size, pictures are to post under spoilers.

Avatars should be of 100*100 pixels.

Banners are authorized to the size of 200*600.

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