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 How did you cats come to you?

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PostSubject: How did you cats come to you?   How did you cats come to you? Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:52 pm

You have lovely, beautiful kitties! How old are they, and how did they come to you?

I'll tell you the stories of my Mauno and Torsti. (Before them, we have had two lovely, precious cats, Ringa and Kirppu, but they are not amongst us anymore. Maybe I will tell about them later.)

Torsti, our "Norwegian", is a rescue cat found from a big forest in the middle of a cold winter. (Of course, we don't know if he is Norwegian or not, but he surely looks like it!) A group of soldiers practicing their skills found and caught him. He was in a very bad condition, hungry and tired, his fur was so tangled that the vet had to cut it all away. From vet he was taken to a good young couple who take care of rescue cats. They had a room for them and besides, they had five or six own cats - all of them former rescue cats, to whom they didn't find a new home. That was the place from which we got Torsti. We had lost our first cat, Ringa, some months ago (he died), and I had been very sad. Then I thought that it was time to give home to another cat in need. When I saw Torsti I was shocked first because his face resembled my Ringa so much. Every time when I looked at him I thought of Ringa. And their personalities were quite much alike, too. Torsti was extremely shy for the first two weeks and spent the whole days under the bed. When we gave him food, he purred a little and let me touch and pet his head. He only came from his hiding place by nights. Then, after two weeks, he suddenly decided to domesticate. It was like a gift when he begun to trust us and came to us, and even begun to sleep in our bed.

Mauno was born in the countryside, and was living at a farm owned by an elderly couple who didn't care about cats. There were other cats at their yard, too, and sometimes they gave them food, sometimes they didn't. It was a hard life and the cats were not allowed to get in the house at all, although it was winter. Sometimes their food were frozen in their cups... Then a young man came there to visit and felt so sorry for Mauno, and took him with him and gave him home. But he was working long days and the poor kitty was left alone for long times, so he begun to rebel and was meowing and doing tricks all the time when the owner was at home. He begun to look for people who could take better care of him, and it was his mother who asked me. At first I didn't know if we would like to keep two cats, but when we saw Mauno we fell in love with him right away, and now I couldn't live with my two precious kitties.

Luckily, they get along well. Mauno is a fearless little thing and he isn't shy at all, like Torsti. The first night he was with us, he happily jumped into our bed and slept between us! First, Torsti was a little bit jealous for Mauno, but now they are best buddies, who play and sleep together (and sometimes fight with each other, but not seriously). Mauno is about 2 1/2 yrs old now and Torsti - no idea! - maybe 8?

Tell us about your kitties!


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PostSubject: Re: How did you cats come to you?   How did you cats come to you? Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:44 am

You said once Torsti looks like Saphir and Saphir too is a rescued cat! (And Norvegian as well).

My Mom found her when she was a kitty. She was on a car's motor, in the parking, at my Mom's work. As she wouldn't leave her there, she took Saphir home. I was in London at the time and didn't know about it, even when I called my Mom, she kept silent.
Saphir was in bad condition as well. But my Mom nursed her, called the veterinarian,...

When I came back from London, exhausted, I found Saphir on my Mom's lap. I was crying like a baby! At the time, we thought she was a He-cat, because she was so small (6 weeks or less). But then the vet said it was a SHE lol! That's why at first we called her Saphir & the name remained.
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PostSubject: Re: How did you cats come to you?   How did you cats come to you? Icon_minitime1Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:15 am

OMC, how in the world I missed this thread? Although I already know the rough story of Torsti (but not in THIS detail), I didn't know much at all about the background of Mauno, and I am so happy to get to read how it all begun!!! And the story of Saphir is also very sweet!

(and hey, this thread is a great starting point to jazz up the forum again!!)

I have told a few times of Oliver's arrival on facebook, so perhaps some of you already know. And it is not as eventful as the case of Torsti and Mauno, or Saphir either. During the early summer of 2007, while we were still working on the renovation of our new flat, I started looking for a cat to adopt. Until then our old flat was just to small to keep a cat (or so Cristiano insisted), and now that we were moving into a bigger place, I decided not to waste any time. While looking through hundreds of cute, adorable cats up for adoption on internet, somehow Oliver (despite his rather "common" appearance for those who don't know him personally), then called Silvestro, caught my attention and somehow cast a spell on my mind "he was the one". It took almost another 2 months before we could actually drive over to the other side of the region and collect him, thank god he hadn't been claimed by no one else. And the rest is the history!!! ;-) Now I bet Ivett has got a whole lot to tell us... Wink
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PostSubject: Re: How did you cats come to you?   How did you cats come to you? Icon_minitime1Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:58 pm

Hello again! Let's talk and keep this forum alive! Smile It was nice to hear about Oliver, too, I didn't know all the details either. Keep on posting the stories about your kitties! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: How did you cats come to you?   How did you cats come to you? Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:35 pm

Oh yes, I love your cats & your cats stories ^^.

I remember when I "met" Torsti and said "OMG, he looks just like my Saphir!!!" ♥️ I fell in love with him, a bit, I think Very Happy

And Oliver is such a cutie, he seems marvelous & has his own personality ^^
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PostSubject: Re: How did you cats come to you?   How did you cats come to you? Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:26 am

Jersey_Fierce wrote:
Oh yes, I love your cats & your cats stories ^^.

I remember when I "met" Torsti and said "OMG, he looks just like my Saphir!!!" ♥️ I fell in love with him, a bit, I think Very Happy

And Oliver is such a cutie, he seems marvelous & has his own personality ^^

Very Happy Yes, I remember the first pics I saw of Saphir, and I called my hubby to show him that Torsti has got a Twin! flower
I'm glad that we all love kitties sunny
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PostSubject: Re: How did you cats come to you?   How did you cats come to you? Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:02 pm

It's very inspirational to know kitties are loved all around the world. I don't believe people when they tell me they don't like kitties!

And btw, cats are attracted to people who doesn't like them, for some obscure reason... maybe they are trying to say "Hey look at me, I'm so lovely you gotta love me!" lol!
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PostSubject: Re: How did you cats come to you?   How did you cats come to you? Icon_minitime1

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