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PostSubject: Social Networks   Social Networks Icon_minitime1Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:45 pm

As we decided to start posting again......I'm not the admin so I cannot run the themes ,I can open a new topic inside the theme.Though I think we need this topic about Social Networks.We can discuss all of them and say why we like or dislike them.What do you think?Is it interesting?
For example-I like twitter becouse........ or I like facebook becouse......Social Networks Redes-sociales
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PostSubject: Re: Social Networks   Social Networks Icon_minitime1Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:57 am

that could be an interesting idea Milana, or perhaps we can extended to "favourite sites" in general? I am not sure whether some sites are considered "social network", like youtube or flickr etc. ..and that will give us more variety too. flower

and of course (now I mentioned it on another post I just wrote in) it would be also interesting to share some topics surrounding groupon (and similar discount deal sites!), the great deals you have found etc.!!! Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: Social Networks   Social Networks Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:06 pm

That is a great idea Very Happy We could share our ideas about sites we like/dislike & why. And so, maybe, we will discover other sites we don't know yet about!

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PostSubject: Re: Social Networks   Social Networks Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:46 am

My favs are Facebook (I usually visit every day and many times during the day), I don't use Twitter at all. Maybe because I love photos and visual things. I've been a member of FSU forum (Figure skating universe) and Golden Skate for years, as well as some individual skater's pages. Then, some history pages (I love Russian history). Some gymnastic pages, too, but I don't visit them as often as FS pages.
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PostSubject: Re: Social Networks   Social Networks Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:39 pm

Wel, this is kind of fun because I'm the exact opposite!

I really liked FB at first, but now I'm kind of disinterested by it. BUT I'm a Twitter addict Embarassed I would tweet all day if I could, say silly things of course but... I just love it.

I also very like Youtube. I'm quite addicted to it as well, because I use it A LOT to listen to music.
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PostSubject: Re: Social Networks   Social Networks Icon_minitime1

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